joi, 9 aprilie 2009

intalnire Smart, am vrut sa zic ;)

Pentru ca azi aniversam o saptamana de cand site-ul este sus (unul dintre proiectele mele secrete, la al doilea inca lucrez si se pare ca am si un al treilea oarecum :D) profit sa ma sparg in figuri, week-endul trecut a fost sub agida Smartfan, care ce sa zic la astfel de intalniri rules! Oameni care au smart sunt oameni speciali, nu generalizam, insa trebuie sa fii un pic zuzu (in sensul bun!!!nu sariti! :P) ca sa iti iei o astfel de masina. Si am observat mai ales ca ii mobilizezi usor, adica ii aduci cu catel, cu purcel la intalnire! Pentru a face acest lucru trebuie sa fii un pic zuzu si chiar sa tii la masina din dotare, am vazut asta si prin faptul ca mai erau doua intalniri de masini in zona si aia numarau membri veniti la intalnire pe o mana…e la noi alta era povestea :)
Deci ca in orice prima sambata a lunii ne-am adunat la intalnirea Smartfan. Din pacate intalnirea nu s-a putut tine la locul obisnuit, adica pe platoul din fata Casei Poporului din motiv de baieram de nunti care erau ele asa ca pe am anuntat vizitatorii schimbarea locatiei. Cei care nu au intrat pe site, au cam luat teapa cu intalnirea si habar nu au ei pierdut…pe langa multe poze super nice trase de mandea…si mega gratar, cu peripetii, insa mega gratar, a fost si ziua Claudiei care a adus niste mega super prajituri. Pozele spun mai multe decat spun eu aciulea asta este clar!
Supriza cea mai mare am avut-o cand ni s-a alaturat si un colaborator de la o revista de masini si si si....mai multe in curand ;) asa ca e musai sa tineti aproape :P
Because today is our one week anniversary since is on air (this is one of my secrete project, still working on the second one and appears I have a third one sort of) so I take the opportunity to brag myself, last week-end was a smartfan week-end, what can I say about it that at this type of meetings rules! Smart owners (as in people that own a smart car ;)) are special people, ok not 100% of them but still you have to be a little cuckoo (in a good sense of the word! Don’t yell!!) to buy such a car. And I’ve notice especially that are people easy to mobilize, I mean you bring them to a meeting with bag and baggage! To do such a thing you have to be a little cuckoo and to really love you car, I notice that through comparison with other 2 car clubs that were held their meeting in the same location and they were only a few you can count them using only the fingers of one hand….well with us it is a different story :)
So like any other first Saturday of the month we gathered at the smartfan reunion. Unfortunately the meeting couldn’t take place in the usual spot, meaning in front of People’s Palace, because was a weeding fair there therefore on the we announce the change. Who didn’t click on the site…well is their loss and they have no idea what they missed….a lot of my nice, trendy, dandy pictures…a mega bbq, adventurous but mega bbq, was also the birthday of Claudia who brought some superfragilisticespidelicious cakes! Pictures will tell you more than I could ever that’s for sure!
The biggest surprise was when a contributor from a car magazine came to the meeting with his own smart and and and ….will be continues ;) so it is a must to keep close :P
by Roshk


cu catel...
with bag...

cu purcel...
with baggage...

danny's pic

Roshk's pic

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