luni, 31 august 2009

Despre we si nu numai

Deci am 2 we de la care trebuie sa pun poze…we asta si cel trecut. Dar revin cu pozele promit ca is super haioase.

We asta dupa o iesire la dans in club a, cu poze la minut :) o sa vedeti despre ce vorbesc atunci cand voi urca pozele, a urmat o sambata la Paulesti, asteptam evenimentul asta de peste 2 luni, anul trecut tot pe vremea asta am petrecut super bine alaturi de baietii de la Heavy Riders asa ca nu avea cum sa iasa altfel anul asta. Dupa un dn1 super aglomerat am ajuns la oaza de liniste, verdeata si motoare care era we asta campingul de la Paulesti. Aceiasi oameni ca si anul trecut, aceiasi atmosfera si aceiasi prieteni de care imi era tare dor. Muzica buna a fost ca intodeauna, Bucium si Bucovina au fost fantastici cum era de asteptat :) Trooper nu sunt genul meu si desi au cantat in deschiderea Maiden, dupa 2 ani de cand ii stiu tot nu imi plac…deci bag seama ca nu se va intampla niciodata sa imi placa :)

Deci cu Paulesti l-am bifat, sa vedem cu restul cum stam :)

Si cum se apropie ziua mea, hai sa mai facem un bilant ca daca stiu ce vreau sa fac pana la sfarsitul verii atunci hai sa vedem si “Munca in progress” :)) cu rezolutiile Anului Nou.

Nu stiu cat de bine o sa arate fiind intr-o stare cam in stare proasta, care se mi se datoreaza in totalitate :) pentru ca se pare ca atunci cand citesc o persoana prefer sa sper ca ma insel si ca persoana respectiva imi va dovedi ca m-am inselat la prima vedere si ca merita de fapt sa ii acord increderea mea, insa 99.9% din cazuri persoana imi ia increderea si imi da cu ea in freza…politicos vorbind ;) vedeti nu am zis 100% asta pentru ca sunt optimista :)) dar oricum asta e alta poveste pe care cand imi voi clarifica sentimentele de furie, prostie (de parca ar fi posibil :)))si altele voi scrie mult probabil :))

Deci la inceputul anului aveam cu negru ce trebuia sa fac, cu rosu am trecut ce am facut pana la 31 august:

·         sa ma perfectionez in limbile straine – nu prea s-a intamplat, cred ca le-am uitat si pe alea pe care le stiam :))

·         sa invat de la Cristina sa cant la chitara asta dupa ce invata ea - Cris cum stam, tragem o cantare la nunta? :D tu cu chitara eu cu vocea, va fi memorabil :)) daca e tequila orice e posibil la mine doar ma stii :)

·         ma voi indragosti – been there, done that insa in fiecare din cazuri fie nu mi-am ales momentul potrivit fie persoana :( vorbind de proasta sincronizare :))  

·         voi citi mai mult – oarecum, daca 4 carti se pun…bine ca am avut o parte de vacanta

·         voi cunoaste mai multa lume – nu prea pot sa bifez aici…insa cineva mi-a spus ca si asa am muuulti prieteni, deci probabil ca sunt norocoasa :) si aici pot bifa chestia asta oricum, nu?

·         voi face mai mult sport – daca exista optiunea de a face mai putin sport, eu am bifat-o cu brio :P

·         voi calatorii mai mult – am facut-o si am mers in tari superbe, si pe care le-am vizitat pentru prima oara.

·         imi voi cumpara o casa la tara – nu inca, dar mai sunt sanse pana la sfarsitul anului :) speranta moare ultima intodeauna

·         voi invata sa fac poze – da asta am facut, si datorita calatoriilor chiar am facut niste poze foarte frumoase

·         voi invata sa ma plac mai mult :) – asta am reusit si am decis ca cine vrea sa ma placa e liber sa o faca, insa va trebui sa ma accepte asa cum sunt, cu bune si rele :)

Hai ca fu ditamai postul si pe alocuri chiar o leaca adanc :))


So I have 2 we that I have to upload pictures….this we and the we before. But I’ll be back with pictures I promise ‘cause there are so funny.

This we after a boogie night in club a, with picture per minute :) you will what I’m talking about when I’ll upload the pictures, it followed a Saturday in Paulesti, I was expecting this event for the last 2 months when I heard about it, last year around the same time I had a blast along with the guys from Heavy Riders so it could not be the same this year. After a heavy traffic on nr1 I camped on the oasis of serenity, green and bikes that was this we Paulesti camping. Same people as last year, same atmosphere and the same friends that I missed so much. Good music as always, Bucium and Bucovina we amazing as expected :) Trooper not my kind and even though they open the Maiden concert, after 2 year I still don’t like them so….probably I’ll never will :)

So I checked Paulesti, see what happens with the rest :)

And since my b-day is coming fast, let’s make a countdown since I know what I want to make until the end of the summer let’s see now the WIP :)) (work in progress) with my New Year’s resolutions.

I don’t know how it will look since I’m in a bad mood, that is entirely my fault :) because when I read a person I want to believe that I am wrong and that person will prove me so and that is worth my trust, but in 99.9% the person take my trust and hit me in the head with it…politely speaking  ;) see I didn’t say 100% that is because I am an optimist :)) anyway this is a different story and when I clear my feeling of anger, stupidity (like that can happen :)))and others I’ll probably write more :))

So at the begging of the year I had in black the thing TBD and with red is what I’ve done so far until August 31st:

·         to learn foreign languages – so not happen, I think I even forget the ones I knew :))

·         to learn from Cristina to jam the guitar after she does it – so Cris, where are we, can we jam for the wedding? :D you by guitar me by voice, it will be memorable :)) and if is tequila anything is possible, you know me :))

·         I will fall in love – been there, done that but in each case I pick the wrong time or the wrong person :( talking about bad timing :))

·         I’ll read more – sort of, is 4 books can count for smtg…it’s a good thing that I had some vacation

·         I’ll meet more people – this I can check it, but somebody told me that I already have too many friends, so probably that makes me lucky :) so after all I can check this anyway, no?

·         I’ll do more sport – if there is possible to do less sport CHECKED! :P

·         I’ll travel more – I’ve done that and I had the chance to see some gorgeous countries, where to mention that I went there for the first time

·         I’ll buy a house on land – not yet, but there are still hopes until the end of the year :) hope always dies last

·         I’ll learn to take pictures – yes I’ve done this, and because of my travels I even took some nice pictures

·         I’ll learn to like myself more :) – this I’ve done and I decided that who likes me it free to do so but the way I am with good things and bad things :)

Is been a long post and in some places even a little bit deep :))