miercuri, 12 august 2009

Drumul spre Kotor

Drumul spre Croatia trece prin Kotor, care este parte dintr-un golf unde exista un port pentru navele de croaziera care trec pe langa coasta dalmata, poti folosi drumul national care face incojurul golfului sau poti lua ferry-boat-ul care te traverseaza, noi am ales prima varianta avand astfel posibilitatea de a vedea mult mai multe. Drumul spre Kotor, considerat drum national, este mai mult o ulita asfaltata mai ceva ca autostrada soarelui si singurul motiv probabil pentru care este dn este pentru ca loc doar pentru o masina, pentru a trece doua masini un ape langa alta...e o intreaga poveste, pe care am pozat-o cocotata pe geamul masini cu dslr-ul Mariei, voi posta pozele cand le prind de la ea ;) Traseul prin golf este magnific, in partea stanga ai marea si in partea dreapta casele, fiecare casa are cate un mic ponton unde are ancorata cate o barcuta (a se citi yacht sau barca cu motor, barcutele sunt cam rare pe la ei :)) sau unde are amenajata un mic loc de plaja.
In Kotor am vazut cea mai mare nava de croaziera din viata mea de pana acum....fiind din linia Princess (pentru necunoscatori una dintre cele mai de lux line-uri de cruaziere) cred ca era de marimea unui bloc de locuinte de peste 15 etaje si cu vreo 20 de scari de bloc, cel putin asa mi s-a parut mie. Din pacate doar filmata puteati sa va dati seama cat de mare poate fi.
Pozele facute acolo sunt printre cele mai frumoase din toata excursia, unde mai pui ca este unul din locurile unde m-as muta si maine.
Aici gasiti tot ce trebuie sa stiti despre Kotor.

The road to Croatia goes through Kotor, which is a part of a golf where you can find a port for cruise ships that are taking the roads near the Dalmatian coast, you can use the national road that leads you along the bay or you can take the ferry that crosses the entrance, we chose the first possibility giving us the opportunity to see more. The road through Kotor, considered national road, is more like a asphalted lane in a better shape than our own Sun Highway and the only probable reason that is a national road is because only one car at a time can pass, and in order that one car to pass along another one...long story, I took picture of the entire drill with Maria's dslr, and when I'll get them I'll upload them ;) The bay road is magnificent, on the left you have the sea and on the right you have the houses, each house has its own little pontoon where you can find a small boat (to be read an yacht or a speed boat, small boats are pretty rarely there :)) or they have a small beach.
In Kotor I saw the biggest cruise ship ever...being part of the Princess Cruise line (for the ignorant is one of the luxuries cruise lines) I think it was as big as a 15 floors apartments building and long as one with 20 parts, at least that what it seemed to me. Unfortunately only filmed you could realized how big it really is.
The pictures taken there are among the best ones took the entire trip, not to mention that is one of the places I could move 2morrow.
Here you can find out everything you need to about Kotor.

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