vineri, 13 noiembrie 2009

Remeber to me!

sicer maine trebuie sa ma mobilizez si sa incep sa scriu, am foarte multe evenimente cu care am ramas in urma si de care ar trebui sa povestesc, frumos ar fi sa va zic inainte ca poate vreti sa mergeti si voi insa parol ca nu am timp sa respir, iar faptul ca am net pe mobil se pare ca nu ma mai ajuta am multe poze si chestii nice de povestit insa maine dupa ce vin din club ;)
Seriously tomorrow I have to take some action and I have to start writing, I have so many events to talk about that are left overs and I should talk about them here, nice would be to mention them before they take place in case you wanna join in but I have no time, and the fact that I have live blogging doesn't help me at lot to talk about and nice things as well but this will happen tomorrow after I return from the club ;)

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