vineri, 1 ianuarie 2010

Primul post din 2010 WOW

presupun ca daca scriu din prima zi a anului o sa o tin asa tot anul, nu? ;) apai asa sa fie si sa am si subiecte de povestit! Cum v-ati petrecut de Revelion? Eu sunt pe fuga pentru ca plec la Campina pentru a doua transa de Revelion, urmand ca maine sa va salut din Constanta daca tine vremea cu mine ;) Poze inca nu estem, adica estem da lene lu' Marin sa le dea jos :D plus ca trebuie selectate pentru ca daca le-as posta fara cenzura ar insemna sa schimb profilul blogului si sa dati cu subsemnatul ca aveti 18 ani la accesarea lui ;)
La multi aaaaaaaaaaaaani!
I assume that if I write from the first day of the year, this will go on for the rest of the year, no? ;) well so be it but hope to have stories to upload! who was your party last night? I'm on the run since I am leaving to Campina for a second party of the New year eve, in order the tomorrow to send you regards from Constanta if the weather will be on my side ;) Pictures not yet, I mean there are but Marin's laziness is toooooo big :D and they need to be pre-selected because if I will post them just natural I will have to change the blog profile in order to state on your own responsibility that you have legal age to view it ;)
Happy New Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear!

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