miercuri, 24 noiembrie 2010

Urma - Buy me with a coffee

De ieri de cand am auzit-o la Midget melodia nu mi-o mai pot scoate din cap. Data trecuta cand am facut obsesie pentru piesa asta mi-a luat 3 zile ca sa pot trece la alta...oare acum cat o sa ma tina? :)

Instead of wasted gifts around
Instead of losing all we have
Instead of dreaming of a man you'll never have
You'd better breathe with me and feel...

Instead of planning and debating
Instead of shaping my own dreams
Instead of dreaming of a son you'll never have
You'd better breathe with me and feel...

You can buy me with a coffee
I'm so cheap...

Instead of letting distance talk
Instead of losing all we have
Instead of dreaming of a man I'll never be
You'd better breathe with me and feel...

Instead of judging day and night
Instead of wasted time on both sides
Instead of guessing what the hell went wrong with me
You'd better breathe with me and feel...

You can buy me with a coffee
I'm so cheap...

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