miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

ploua si ploua si ploua

Azi am dispozitie romantica asa ca toata ziua ipoada mea a urlat numai Bullet for my Valentine, Disturbed si altele de gen calmandu-ma ocazional cu neste 3 Doors down, nu de alta insa zgomotele din castile mele incepusera sa le deranjeze pe colegele de birou :)) oricum muzica asta este facuta pentru a fi ascultata in drum spre mare, munte sau la alegere insa in nici un caz in drum spre serviciu, plus cu ploaia asta care ma indeamna sa ma sui in masina si sa ma duc unde vad cu ochii de preferat la mare sa privesc valurile, sa aud larma lor, sa imi pun ordine in ganduri si sa imi umplu pumnii de nisipul ud…daca nu merge si munte intr-o cabana in creierul muntilor unde sa miroasa a brad si sa fie facut focul, de preferat cu lemne ca sa le auzi cum trosnesc in soba si sa beau un ceai de musetel/tei stand la caldura si uitandu-ma cum ploua…asta se face intr-o zi ploioasa ca asta…voi ce ati prefera sa faceti?

I am in a romantic mood therefore all day “me ipod” shouted only Bullet for my Valentine, Disturbed and others alike occasional chilling with 3 Doors down, for no reason other than the one that my colleagues were starting to be disturbed by the noises that were coming out from my headphones :)) anyway this kind of music is made to be listed on the road to sea side or to the mountains or up to you wherever, but definitely is not made to be listed on the way to work, I mean this rain lead me to hop in the car and drive away preferably to the sea side to watch the waves, to hear their noise, to clear my head and fill my hands with wet sand…or to the mountain is just fine in a hut high in the mountains where you can smell the pine trees, with a fire in the stove made preferably with wood so you can hear it clack and to have a chamomile/ linden tree sitting inside where is warm and nice looking outside to the rain…these are my plans for a rainy day like this one….what would you prefer to do?

luni, 26 ianuarie 2009

metoda de promovare

Eu sunt un fan declarat Voltaj de multi ani, acum doi ani am avut norocul sa merg cu ei in turneu si mi-au placut si mai mult. Ce mi-a placut insa enorm la trupa asta este ca au stiut mereu sa iasa cu ceva misto in fata sau daca vreti cuvinte in voga sa se reinventeze, cea mai noua nazbatie a lor, ca sa zic asa, e clipul “Dematurizarea” filmat in intregime cu telefoane mobile, cea ce nu stiam este faptul ca a lor campanie de promovare: timp de 5 zile calatorii cu metroul aflati In statia Piata Universitatii primeau prin blutooth, cele mai interesante momente ale clipului, la final facandu-se trimitere pe ministite unde se putea vedea in intregime clipul. Tare asta! Puteti afla mai multe aciulea si vedea clipul daca nu ati facut-o deja aciulea :)

I a big fan of Voltaj band for many years by now, two years ago I had the chance to go with them in a tour and I love them even more. What I loved about this band is how they always knew how to come up with something new or if you prefer how they always knew how to invent them selves over and over again, the newest mischief sort of speak, is the music clip “Dematurizare” (I have no translation :) it is a made up name and it’s symbolize the opposite of growing up) clip that was shot entirely with mobile phones, what I didn’t was the promoting campaign: for 5 days passengers of the Universitatii subway station were able to receive via Bluetooth, a movie with the highlights of the clip, in order to receive at the end of the message a link where they could view the clip full version. I love it! You can find out more here and you can see the clip, in case u didn’t do it by now, here


Februarie se apropie cu pasi rapizi, si pentru ca e o luna super plina de evenimente m-am gandit sa trasez un calendar micut cu ce va puteti ocupa timpul in luna care vine :)

1 februarie cred ca pana in 7: Cinema Studio-cele mai bune filme ale anului 2008, daca nu le-ati vazut déjà acum e sansa voastra, si la un prêt rezonabil ;)
7 Februarie: Sala Palatului Havana Lounge asta e FYI ca e sold out :(
: Sala Polivalenta Sepultura….pour le connoisseurs! nu e nevoie sa mai adauge mandea ;;) nimic, nu-i asa?!? :)
10 februarie: Sala Palatului Sting also sold out in 3 ore ;) eu mi-am vandut biletul cu greu obtinut, asa ca va astept pe voi sa imi povestiti cum a fost :)
: Opera Nationala Razvan Mazilu & Friends
12 Februarie: Becker Brau Music Live VAMA
13 februarie: Club Fabrica Punk Rock Underferst
16 februarie: Hard Rock Café The Rasmus
18 februarie: Sala Palatului Vonda Shepard (cu toti am fredonat cel putin o data o melodie din Ally McBeal)
21 februarie: Sala Palatului Gala Internationala de Balet
: Romaero James Blunt
23 februarie: Teatrul National Bucuresti Bere Gratis 10 ani
28 februarie: Sala Palatului Gala Folk “Om Bun”

February is get close fast fwd and since it is a month full of events I thought it is a good idea to point out what you can fill in your schedule next month :)

February 1st until 7th I believe: Studio Cinema – the best movies of 2008, in case U missed them last year now is your chance and at a reasonable price ;)
February, 7: Palatului Hall Havana Lounge this is FYI because is sold out :(
: Polivalenta Hall Sepultura….pour le connoisseurs! There is no need in me ;;) adding anything, no?!?! :)
February, 10: Palatului Hall Sting also sold out in 3 hours ;) I sold my ticket hardly gain, so I will let you tell all about it :)
: National Opera Hall Razvan Mazilu and Friends
February, 12: becker Brau Live Music VAMA
February, 13: Fabrica Club Punk Rock Undefest
February, 16: Hard Rock Café The Rasmus
February, 18: Palatului Hall Vonda Shepard (we all hum a least once a song from Ally McBeal)
February, 21st: Palatului Hall International Ballet Gala
: Romaero James Blunt
February, 23rd: National Theatre of Bucharest Bere Gratis 10 years
February, 28: Palatului Hall “Om Bun” Folk Gala

miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2009

Sf Ioan, care este el

Haidi! La Multi ani! Sfintilor IOAN care sunteti voi, va stiti fara sa va numesc eu ;)
Breaking News la ora aceasta pe DN 1 arde o masina, poze…cand ajung acasa :D

Howdy! Happy Name Day! Saint JONH whoever you are, you know hwo U R so I don’t have to give names here ;)
Breaking News! In this moment a car is burning on NR1, pictures…when I get home :D

marți, 6 ianuarie 2009

Prima saptamana in poze

La cippanu dupa revelion ne-am tratat cu carnati si vin fiert insa mai ales Mela si Andy ne-au bucurat auditiv cu melodii pentru suflet ;)
Lipsesc ceva poze din seara precedenta, insa cum le primesc de la Dan le urc aciulea :D
At Cippanu after New Year we enjoyed ;) our bowels with sausages and boiled wine, but the sepcial moment was when Mela and Andy cares our hearing with music for the soul ;)
I miss some pictures from the previous day but when I get them from Dan I will upload them :D

intalnirea oamenilor din clubul smartistilor cum a numit-o danny :)urmata de cea a masinutelor sambata asta ;)
meeting of the people from the smart club, as danny called it :)followed by a cars meeting this Saturday ;)

petrecerea de rev
new years eve

Guinness book of records sau era Guiness? nush care e berea si care e cartea :)): cel mai lung carnat si cea mai grea prajitura :)
Guinness book of Records or it was Guiness? don't know which is the bear and which is the book :)): the longest sausage and the heaviest cake :)

pomuletul meu de craciun
my xmas tree

Dupa Anul Nou :)

Sper ca ati avut sarbatori fara crize :)) mi-a placut la nebunie urarea celor de la radio nu dam nume :), pasim in acest an plini de élan si ganduri bune. Ce rezolutii de an nou ati aplicat? Eu una am cateva care pot fi spuse cu glas tare cum ar fi sa slabesc inca 10 kilograme, cel putin, sa citesc mai mult si sa imi rup doua saptamani de vacanta pe care sa le petrec cu burta la soare la mare...altele sunt mai pentru suflet si nu pot fi zice cu voce tare…
Inceputul de an a fost o petrecere continua pentru mine, nu ma intelegeti gresit, nu ma plang :D ma laud si eu o leaca :))) si am si poze care sa dovedeasca petrecerea mea continua…asa cum va spuneam Party-ul de rev nu a fost cel mai reusit, insa petrecerile care au urmat au luat caimacul: una la discoteca, alta la Ioana & Dan, ca sambata sa culmineze cu party-ul la Cippanu…ce pot spune decat ca suntem neste petrecareti care estem noi :)

I hope that you enjoyed holidays without crisis :)) I just loved the holiday wish from a radio station that we will not name hereJ; we step in the new year full off joy and good thoughts. What are your new year’s resolutions? I for one I have some that can be named here such as loose at least another 10 kilos, read more, spend 2 weeks of holiday, belly up in the sun! :) other wishes are more for my soul therefore there it will remain…
The first day of the new year caught me in a continuous party, don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining :D I’m just bragging a little :))and I have pictures to prove my continuous party…as I said in a previous post my New Year’s Ave party wasn’t such a blast, but the following parties they hit the Jack Pot: a disco night, another one at Ioana & Dan, all that hit the boiling point Saturday when we paaaaaaaaarty at Cippanu…what can I say we are paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty people, yes we are!

Poze later :D

sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009


Asa cum spuneam anul trecut revin cu varianta in engleza, am de postat poze multe insa cum is pe fuga, insa "I'll be back!!!" :))(folositi tonul potrivit cand cititi ;)) Vroiam doar sa va urez Un an cat mai bun si la cat mai multe vizite pe blog :P

As I was saying last year I return with a English version of the posts, I have a lot of pictures to upload, but I am on the run :)) so "I'll be back!!!" (use the correct tone of voice when you read this ;))
I wanted to wish you a year as good as it gets and many returns on my blog :P

LE: la naiba, daca mai faceam 3 posturi aveam un total de 200 de posturi pe anul trecut! Damn!!!
Damn, if I had posted 3 more posts..?!?!?! is this English correct? ;)))) i would had a total of 200 posts for the last year! Damn!