Dane! Sa nu dai pentru pasajul asta! :D Anyway, concertul baietilor de la Bucium a fost super, lumea a inceput sa le stie piesele si sa faca chiar cereri de anumite melodii, ceea ce inseamna ca le stiu repertoriu. Mi-a placut la nebunie faptul ca au inceput sa aiba miscare scenica, sa interactioneze cu publicul si sa arate ca se simt bine pe scena! parerea mea pe care le-am spus-o si lor de altfel este ca erau prea statici, acum ca s-a rezolvat si aceasta mica problemuta (sper sa ii tina :P) Bucium e gata sa cucereasca Romania. Sper sa se inmulteasca concertele asa mai am si eu ocazia sa plec si mai des din Bucuresti, desi nu am ajuns cu ei si la Cernavoda, am inteles ca si acolo a iesit bine! Asa ca e musai sa prindeti urmatorul lor concert, va tin eu la current unde ce si cum :)
Pe partea de organizare de la East European Moto show, nu pot avea decat cuvinte de lauda, am inteles ca bikerii din cluj au fost capul rautatilor, bineinteles ajutati de cluburile infratite cu ei. De la directionare de campare, pana la dusurile cu apa calda si curatenia facuta in permanenta nu am ce sa le reprosez. Sper doar ca evenimentul sa devina annual si la anul sa ma duc cu motocicleta din dotare….asa am zis si anul trecut insa se pare ca trebuie sa ma apuce criza de 30 de ani ca sa imi achizitionez un motor si sa nu mai profit de bike-urile altora :) insa cum nu mai am mult…cu varsta ca criza e de mult instalata :P tine-ti-va bine de sepci!
Daca nu ati apucat in w/e sa vedeti transmisiunile live de pe realitatea diseara promit ca dupa ce incarc pozele de saptamana trecuta pun, filmuletul cu parcarea plina de motociclete si poze graitoare!
Daca vreti date gasiti aici.
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It was an amazing w/e. In spite of the rainy weather I had a blast! :) I was saying some time ago this w/e was the bikers w/e! At Predeal it was THE bikers meeting of the year considering my opinion, a last estimation was around 5000 people there…3 Trees :))) plate haven’t seen so many bikers on square meter in its life, the party started on Friday and it got to the boiling point on Saturday with a Cargo concert. I think that from all the Romanian bands Cargo is no 1 band for bikers community. No one can describe the atmosphere, you had to be there and breed in order to sense the moment. I unfortunately I left to Bucharest on Saturday afternoon in a jumping cute walk of smart :)
Dane! Please don’t kill me for this lines! :D Anyway, the concert of the Bucium guys was great, the crowd started to know their songs and even request some of them, which means that they know their play-list. I loved the fact they start to have some movement on the stage, to interact with the public and to show that they feel good on the stage! My opinion share with the band as well is that they were to immobile, now that this is over and hope and out! :) Bucium is ready to take over Romania. I hope they will have many more concerts so I’ll have the chance to live the Bucharest more often, even though this w/e I didn’t went with them to Cernavoda, is my understanding that everything went well there as well. So it is a must to come and see them in a concert, I’ll let you know when and where is the case :)
On the part of event management for East European moto Show, I have only praise words, I understood that the Cluj bikers were the “evil head”, of course with the help of the other clubs from Romania. Starting with direction of camping, to the hot water showers to a permanent crew for cleaning the area I have nothing bad to say about them. I really hope that this becomes an annual event and in the following year I’ll go on my own bike….sure I said the same thing last year but maybe I need to be a middle age crisis around 30 y.o. in order to buy a bike and not to take advantage of friend’s bikes :) since I’m one step away…from the age…the crisis is there from long time ago :P hang on to your caps!
If you didn’t have the time to see the live coverage on Realitatea, I promise that 2nite I’ll upload the movie and the pictures with a full bikers parking and another good pictures.
If you want more dates here or here
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East European Moto Show |
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