luni, 20 iulie 2009

Narcotango - un must see al verii


Am lasat-o mai moale cu evenimentele in ultima perioada, asta pentru ca asteptam cu sufletul la gura un mare eveniment. Narcotango, vin la Bucuresti, pe data de 23 iulie, in parcul National amfiteatrul Mihai Eminescu - Cecilia Piccinni si Alejandro “Lucho” Lucero vor dansa tango, va fi ceva electric!
Tangoul este unul dintre cele mai senzuale dansuri, este un dans perfect care te face sa treci prin toata gama de emotii de la provocare la pasiune, de la promisiune la total abandon in bratele celuilalt, totul insotit de muzica, care te invaluie ca o cortina, un complice la ceea ce se petrece pe scena, iar de data asta muzica va fi electrica!
Proiectul Narcotango, a fost inceput in 2000 de Carlos Libedinsky, in Buenos Aires, iar anul acesta a fost nominalizat la premiile Gardel, pentru cel mai bun album de tango electric. Dansatorii invitati vor fi acompaniati de trupa care ii are in componenta pe Carlos Libedinsky (compozitie, programare, bandoneon), Fernando del Castillo (tobe, percutie), Marcelo Toth (chitara si bass) si Mariano Castro (pian, keyboards samplers).
Veti putea vedea un show care va imbina esenta tangoului traditional cu elementele tangoului modern, toate intr-o combinative de stil, senzualitate si muzica buna.
Deci ce faceti joi?
Pentru mai multe despre Narcotango intrati aici :) plus oricand merita sa youtubuiti, insa nimic nu se compara cu experienta reala.
I’ve slow down with the events lately, because I was waiting for this one. Narcotango, come to Bucharest, on 23rd of July, in National Park, Mihai Eminescu Amphitheatre - Cecilia Piccinni and Alejandro “Lucho” Lucero will dance tango, it will be electric!
Tango is one of the most sensual dances, is a perfect dance that takes you through the entire range of emotions from teasing to passion, from promises to total abandon in the arms of the partner, all accompanied by the music, that will surrounds you as a curtain, an accomplice to what happens on the stage, and this time the music will be electric!
The Narcotango project was started back in 2000 by Carlos Libedinsky, in Buenos Aires, and this year the project was nominated to Gardel Awards, for the best electric tango album. The dancers guest will be accompanied by the band: Carlos Libedinsky (composition, programming, bandoneon), Fernando del Castillo (drums, percussion), Marcelo Toth (guitar and bass) and Mariano Castro (piano, keyboards samplers).
You can see a show that will interweave the soul of the classical tango with elements from the modern tango, all in a style combination, sensuality and good music.
So what are you doing on Thursday?
For more info about Narcotango click here :) plus you can anytime youtube them, but there is no compare with the real experience.

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