luni, 14 septembrie 2009

La multi ani Bucuresti

Cum probabil stiti deja din we am inceput sa sarbatorim cei 550 de ani de cand BUcuresti-ul a fost atestat istoric, nu stiu daca cu ocazia asta sau a zilei pompierilor, sambata si duminica Arcul de triumf a fost deschis cuceritorilor! Asa ca cine avea dorinta putea urca si vedea Bucurestiul de sus. Dupa obositoarea zi de sambata, am tras doar cateva cadre ale vedeti casa? :P
Dupa cureriri, am mers la targul de antichitati care se desfasuara in fiecare we al lunii Septembrie pe bdul Aviatorilor.
La multi ani, Bucuresti! sa te cureti de impuritati! :)
AS you probably know by now, from this we we started to celebrate the 550 years of historical knowledge of Bucharest, I don't know if this was the occasion or the fact that was the International Day of the Firefighters, but for Saturday and Sunday the Arc of Triumph was open for conquest! therefore any one who had the wish it could climb and admire the Bucharest from its top. After a long day of Saturday, I just took some pictures of the Bucharest...can you see your house? :P
After conquests, I went to the Antiquities Fair that is taking place every w/e of the September on Aviation Road.
Happy b-day Bucharest! May you became clean from all the dirt! :)

vineri, 11 septembrie 2009


Doua evenimente care mi-au marcat uitatul la televizor au fost moartea Printesei Diana si evenimentele de pe 11 septembrie, amandoua amintirile imi fac si acum pielea de gaina cand le accesez. Azi am citit un articol via Bucurenci, Audeo mi-a adus aminte de el si i-am verificat blogul, insa dupa ce am vazut link-ul asta blogul lui a devenit nesemnificativ.Imi amintesc poza, imi amintesc acum povestea din spatele pozei si istoria pe care poza asta a facut-o...inca cazul in care nu o stiti sau nu va mai amintiti citit aici.
There are 2 events that mark my adult life of watching TV: the Princes Diana Accident and the events that took place on September 11, both memories give my chicken bumps every time I access them. today I read an article via Bucurenci, Audeo reminded me that he exists and I check out his blog, but after seeing this link his blog was so forgotten. I remember the picture, I remember now the story behind the picture and the hitory that this picture case you didn't know it or you don't remeber it read here.

joi, 10 septembrie 2009

Vineri este Ciclopromenada 3

Daca nu aveti somn vineri noapte si aveti o bicicleta la dispozitie, puteti sa va bagati la Ciclopromenada 3, implicati in acest proiect sunt si cei de la Mai Mult Verde.

Aveti toate informatiile aici

si aici

Tks Gri pentru link :), sper sa ma lipesc si eu de o bicicleta si sa ma dau o tura ;) :P

marți, 8 septembrie 2009

Ziua mea in vorbe

Ziua asta de aniversare fu una dintre cele mai the best, pe langa cadouri care mi-au fost facute din suflet pentru suflet, cel mai mult am apreciat oameni care mi-au fost aproape, am primit atat de multe telefoane, mailuri si sms-uri incat seara la 12 cand m-a pus in pat si am inchis cu ultima persoana care ma sunase sa imi spuna La multi ani!, m-am culcat zambind si cu o senzatie de bine in suflet. E grozav sa vezi ca ai atatia oameni langa tine care te iubesc asa cum esti: cu calitatile si defectele tale, cu complexe, cu glume proaste, cu toanele si spumele aferente unei zile de munca! Mi-am dat seama ca din punctul acesta sunt o persoana implinita, si ceea ce ma defineste cel mai bine sunt prietenii: fie ei din tari straine, din colturi unde se atarna harta Romaniei sau cei cu care ma vad we de we ca sa nu zic odata la trei zile :), ei sunt cei de care nu as rezista! Si daca cineva imi zicea acum ceva timp ca am prea multi prieteni, de ziua mea mi-am dat seama ca are dreptate si ca in felul asta sunt bogata, nu i-as da la o parte pentru nimic din lume! Datorita lor sunt plina de energie, de viata, ei sunt cei cu care impart lacrimi si bucurii. Pentru ei sunt recunoascatoare!
Acum devenind mai neseriosi :) adica asa cum sunt eu deobicei :P hai sa va povestesc despre MY PARTY!
Cea mai primita urare de ziua mea a fost " Sa ramai neschimbata si la fel de vesela si plina de energie pe cum te stim", adica dusa cu capul ma gandesc eu ca e de fapt partea cu neschimbata :D, incerca lumea sa fie politicoasa! :P eu zic ca aici totul e ok, daca nu m-am facut bine pana la varsta asta sigur nu mai am nici o sansa :)) si ca sa nu ma dezmint de aceste lucruri si ca lumea sa fie anuntata din timp cu cine are de discutat, vineri am primit cadou un tricou pe care scrie "Nu ma droghez, asa sunt eu..."desi daca e sa te iei dupa poze... :P insa e toata lumea linistita ca nu iau substante interzise, da? :P Tricoul mai are o inscriptie pe spate insa v alas pe voi sa o descoperiti in poze. Dupa o cinste de bere, un concert Cicane pe care nu i-a ascultat nimeni, un Paul care a incercat sa ne arate ca stie sa danseze salsa, totul s-a incheiat cu tortul productie proprie care a fost devorat intr-un cadru romantic pe malul dambovitei. In 5 minute nu mai exista nimic de dus acasa :)) Acum daca a fost sau nu bun, asta nu mai stiu, insa sigur a alunecat bine dupa bere!

This anniversary was one of the best, along the presents that were made from the heart to my heart, the most appreciated were the people that were close to me, I've got so many phone calls, e-mails and smses so that at 12 o'clock when I got into bed and close the phone with the last person who called to say "Happy B-day!" live, I fell asleep smiling and with a good sensation in my heart. Is great to see that you have around you so many people that love you just the way you are: with your attributes and flows, with your complexes, bad jokes, with the moods and the nerves that come after a working day! I realized that from this point of view I am a fulfilled person, and what defines me the best are my friends: either the ones in different country, or the ones in the city placed over the line of the map or the ones I see every weekend or maybe should I say every three days :), they are my fuel! Somebody told me some time ago that I have to many friends, for my b-day I realized that he was right and this makes me rich, I wouldn't leave them for nothing in the world! Because of them I am alive, full of energy and they are there to share tears and smiles. For them I am grateful!
Now becoming funny again :) like I'm most of the time : P let me talk about ME PARTY!
The most received wish this b-day was "Don't never change, stay as cheerful and full of energy like you get us use!", translation for the part to never change...stay Looney :D, they were trying to be polite! :P there's no worry here, if I haven't found my minds so chance from now on :)) and in order to keep my style and everybody to be announced what they are getting if they hang around me, Friday I received a t-shirt that says: "I'm not using...I am just like this" and if you are looking at the pictures you are doomed :P so now everybody can sleep at night that I'm not using any illegal substances, right? :P the t-shirt has another thing write on the back but I let you find out for yourself in the pictures. After a beer, a Cicane concert that no one pay attention to, a Paul that try to show us that he can salsa, all end it up with a homemade cake that was devour in a romantic environment on the side of Dambovita. In 5 minutes was nothing left to take back home :)) Now if it was good or not, I don't know, but sure was smooth after the beer!

vineri, 4 septembrie 2009

Cadou de ziua mea :)

Unul dintre cele mai frumoase cadouri pe care le-am primit anul asta a fost de la Tavi care mi-a dat invitatie la concertul Anastasiei, de pe 1 septembrie.
Cu Tavi m-am cunoscut la ultimul meu eveniment organizat pentru plantatia roz si am fost pe aceiasi lungime de unda zic eu :), motiv pentru care dupa mai bine de un an inca vorbim si ne vedem la diferite evenimente. Cred ca pe undeva pe aciulea scriam eu de cea mai tare firma de catering ever: SALT AND PEPPER! Si daca nu vreti sa ma credeti pe cuvant, ii recomanda lista mare de artisti pentru care au gatit, pe langa Anastasia vb de Metallica, Lenny Kravitz, Whitesnake si altii la fel de mari, si fara sa mai mentionam alte evenimente corporate. Nunta, botez, eveniment corporate ei sunt alegerea perfecta! :D
Revenind la concert a fost de departe cel mai bun concert al anului, m-a impresionat atmosfera prieteneasca care a existat tot concertul, dupa un inceput mai inecat, la intrare Anastasia s-a inecat si i-a fost imposibil sa termine cantecul, motiv pentru care a interrupt prima piesa a baut apa a facut vocalize si a continuat un spectacol exceptional din punct de vedere al atmosferei si profesionalismului.
Am avut impresia ca am fost la o bauta la care unul dintre noi canta super bine si ca ne-a cantat toata seara, de mult nu am mai plecat atat de incantata de la un concert, cererile de autografe din mijlocul concertului au fost satisfacute, un baiat din public a avut ocazia sa danseze cu Anastasia pe scena, iar formatia ei este exceptionala. Nu vorbesc de voce si de prestatie care au fost la superlative, insa voi vorbi de publicul care la plecare nu a avut decat cuvinte de lauda, daca la orice concert mai auzi macar cate un carcotas care a avut scaunul prea tare sau care a stat langa boxa si l-a cam chinuit auzul, la acest concert nu a fost cazul. Plus lucrul care ne-a uimit la plecare din toate masinile se auzeau acorduri din diferite melodii ale Anastasiei.
Bravo, un show si o artista completa din toate punctele de vedere.

One of the best gift received so far this year was the one from Tavi that got me invitation to Anastasia Concert on September 1.
I knew Tavi at the last event organized by me for the pink plantation and we click, but that just my opinion :), and for this reason we still talk and meet on different events. I think that here somewhere I wrote you about the best catering company ever: SALT AND PEPPER! And you don’t have to take my word for it, they have a long list of artist that recommends them, beside Anastasia we are talking about Metallica, Lenny Kravitz, Whitesnake and others, not to mention here the other big corporate events. Wedding, baptism, corporate event: they are the perfect choice! :D
Returning to the concert it was by far the best concert this year, it made a big impression on me the friendly atmosphere that was through the all concert, after a strangulated start, entering the stage Anastasia choked and it was impossible to finish therefore she stopped the first song drank some water vocalize some more and she continued a exceptional concert regarding from the professional and atmosphere point of view.
My impression was that we gathered to have a beer and one of us could really sing so she sang for us all night, I can barely remember last concert that got me so excited, the demands for autographs in the middle of the concert were satisfied, a boy from the crowd got the chance to dance with Anastasia on the stage, and her band is exceptional! I’m not talking about the voice and the show since everything was a superlative, but I will talk about the audience that as they were living the only words you could hear were praise for her, if at any concert you can hear at least one person that would complain about the chair being too hard or that he stayed near the speaker and his ears were sore, at this concert was not the case. Plus one good thing that amaze me was that I was driving away from all the cars around you could hear Anastasia playing different songs.
Good job, it was a total show and artist form every point of view.