vineri, 11 septembrie 2009


Doua evenimente care mi-au marcat uitatul la televizor au fost moartea Printesei Diana si evenimentele de pe 11 septembrie, amandoua amintirile imi fac si acum pielea de gaina cand le accesez. Azi am citit un articol via Bucurenci, Audeo mi-a adus aminte de el si i-am verificat blogul, insa dupa ce am vazut link-ul asta blogul lui a devenit nesemnificativ.Imi amintesc poza, imi amintesc acum povestea din spatele pozei si istoria pe care poza asta a facut-o...inca cazul in care nu o stiti sau nu va mai amintiti citit aici.
There are 2 events that mark my adult life of watching TV: the Princes Diana Accident and the events that took place on September 11, both memories give my chicken bumps every time I access them. today I read an article via Bucurenci, Audeo reminded me that he exists and I check out his blog, but after seeing this link his blog was so forgotten. I remember the picture, I remember now the story behind the picture and the hitory that this picture case you didn't know it or you don't remeber it read here.

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