luni, 14 septembrie 2009

La multi ani Bucuresti

Cum probabil stiti deja din we am inceput sa sarbatorim cei 550 de ani de cand BUcuresti-ul a fost atestat istoric, nu stiu daca cu ocazia asta sau a zilei pompierilor, sambata si duminica Arcul de triumf a fost deschis cuceritorilor! Asa ca cine avea dorinta putea urca si vedea Bucurestiul de sus. Dupa obositoarea zi de sambata, am tras doar cateva cadre ale vedeti casa? :P
Dupa cureriri, am mers la targul de antichitati care se desfasuara in fiecare we al lunii Septembrie pe bdul Aviatorilor.
La multi ani, Bucuresti! sa te cureti de impuritati! :)
AS you probably know by now, from this we we started to celebrate the 550 years of historical knowledge of Bucharest, I don't know if this was the occasion or the fact that was the International Day of the Firefighters, but for Saturday and Sunday the Arc of Triumph was open for conquest! therefore any one who had the wish it could climb and admire the Bucharest from its top. After a long day of Saturday, I just took some pictures of the Bucharest...can you see your house? :P
After conquests, I went to the Antiquities Fair that is taking place every w/e of the September on Aviation Road.
Happy b-day Bucharest! May you became clean from all the dirt! :)

3 comentarii:

Cristina spunea...

Io nu mi-am vazut casa din Drumul Tarabei!!! :(


Cristina spunea...

Duamna, da' ce esti asa serioasa in toate poznele?

Marin spunea...

Cum nu, uita-te dupa lanul de porumb si acolo e si casa ta :D :P MUHAHAHA!
Duamna asta e fatza mea de poze dupa ce am primit tricoul pe care l-am primit de ziua mea :D