marți, 8 septembrie 2009

Ziua mea in vorbe

Ziua asta de aniversare fu una dintre cele mai the best, pe langa cadouri care mi-au fost facute din suflet pentru suflet, cel mai mult am apreciat oameni care mi-au fost aproape, am primit atat de multe telefoane, mailuri si sms-uri incat seara la 12 cand m-a pus in pat si am inchis cu ultima persoana care ma sunase sa imi spuna La multi ani!, m-am culcat zambind si cu o senzatie de bine in suflet. E grozav sa vezi ca ai atatia oameni langa tine care te iubesc asa cum esti: cu calitatile si defectele tale, cu complexe, cu glume proaste, cu toanele si spumele aferente unei zile de munca! Mi-am dat seama ca din punctul acesta sunt o persoana implinita, si ceea ce ma defineste cel mai bine sunt prietenii: fie ei din tari straine, din colturi unde se atarna harta Romaniei sau cei cu care ma vad we de we ca sa nu zic odata la trei zile :), ei sunt cei de care nu as rezista! Si daca cineva imi zicea acum ceva timp ca am prea multi prieteni, de ziua mea mi-am dat seama ca are dreptate si ca in felul asta sunt bogata, nu i-as da la o parte pentru nimic din lume! Datorita lor sunt plina de energie, de viata, ei sunt cei cu care impart lacrimi si bucurii. Pentru ei sunt recunoascatoare!
Acum devenind mai neseriosi :) adica asa cum sunt eu deobicei :P hai sa va povestesc despre MY PARTY!
Cea mai primita urare de ziua mea a fost " Sa ramai neschimbata si la fel de vesela si plina de energie pe cum te stim", adica dusa cu capul ma gandesc eu ca e de fapt partea cu neschimbata :D, incerca lumea sa fie politicoasa! :P eu zic ca aici totul e ok, daca nu m-am facut bine pana la varsta asta sigur nu mai am nici o sansa :)) si ca sa nu ma dezmint de aceste lucruri si ca lumea sa fie anuntata din timp cu cine are de discutat, vineri am primit cadou un tricou pe care scrie "Nu ma droghez, asa sunt eu..."desi daca e sa te iei dupa poze... :P insa e toata lumea linistita ca nu iau substante interzise, da? :P Tricoul mai are o inscriptie pe spate insa v alas pe voi sa o descoperiti in poze. Dupa o cinste de bere, un concert Cicane pe care nu i-a ascultat nimeni, un Paul care a incercat sa ne arate ca stie sa danseze salsa, totul s-a incheiat cu tortul productie proprie care a fost devorat intr-un cadru romantic pe malul dambovitei. In 5 minute nu mai exista nimic de dus acasa :)) Acum daca a fost sau nu bun, asta nu mai stiu, insa sigur a alunecat bine dupa bere!

This anniversary was one of the best, along the presents that were made from the heart to my heart, the most appreciated were the people that were close to me, I've got so many phone calls, e-mails and smses so that at 12 o'clock when I got into bed and close the phone with the last person who called to say "Happy B-day!" live, I fell asleep smiling and with a good sensation in my heart. Is great to see that you have around you so many people that love you just the way you are: with your attributes and flows, with your complexes, bad jokes, with the moods and the nerves that come after a working day! I realized that from this point of view I am a fulfilled person, and what defines me the best are my friends: either the ones in different country, or the ones in the city placed over the line of the map or the ones I see every weekend or maybe should I say every three days :), they are my fuel! Somebody told me some time ago that I have to many friends, for my b-day I realized that he was right and this makes me rich, I wouldn't leave them for nothing in the world! Because of them I am alive, full of energy and they are there to share tears and smiles. For them I am grateful!
Now becoming funny again :) like I'm most of the time : P let me talk about ME PARTY!
The most received wish this b-day was "Don't never change, stay as cheerful and full of energy like you get us use!", translation for the part to never change...stay Looney :D, they were trying to be polite! :P there's no worry here, if I haven't found my minds so chance from now on :)) and in order to keep my style and everybody to be announced what they are getting if they hang around me, Friday I received a t-shirt that says: "I'm not using...I am just like this" and if you are looking at the pictures you are doomed :P so now everybody can sleep at night that I'm not using any illegal substances, right? :P the t-shirt has another thing write on the back but I let you find out for yourself in the pictures. After a beer, a Cicane concert that no one pay attention to, a Paul that try to show us that he can salsa, all end it up with a homemade cake that was devour in a romantic environment on the side of Dambovita. In 5 minutes was nothing left to take back home :)) Now if it was good or not, I don't know, but sure was smooth after the beer!

2 comentarii:

audeo spunea...

La multi ani! Sa traiesti cat crezi tu de cuviinta!Toate cele bune la tine sa se adune!
P.S. Scuze de intarziere, dar abia am sosit din concediu si cum nu am avut alta modalitate de felicitare..iaca..

Marin spunea...

Doamna gand la gand cu bucurie ca am crezut ca m-ai abandonat si nu mai faci vizite :( Sper ca ti-a placut concediul si poate postezi pe blog sa vaza si ochiul meu pe unde ai umblat :)
Cat despre urari as se adune ca ne trebuie :)