vineri, 26 iunie 2009

Blood on the Dance Floor

De azi noapte de cand am auzit pe cnn ca a murit MJ nu mi-a venit sa cred, dupa Farrah Fawcett a urmat el, multe din amintirile mele din copilarie se leaga de ei. Primele seriale pe care le-am urmarit la Tv, dupa revolutie au fost “the A-team” (Echipa de Soc) si “Charlie’s Angels”(Ingerii lui Charlie), una din casetele de suflet a fost albumul Dangerous, zambeam ascultand dimineata Zu si auzindu-l pe Morar spunand acelasi lucru, primul video-clip vazut vreodata a fost Thriller, iar la ora aia credeam ca e super film de groaza, habar nu aveam cine e Michael Jackson.

Pana sa plec la munca, m-am uitat la Larry King, unde au fost invitati de la cel care a descoperit Jackson 5 pana la Celine Dion si JC Chavez (fost *NSYC) care comenta ca MJ a fost cel care a pus bazele coregrafiei si ca multe din miscarile coregrafice de azi sunt inspirate din miscarile lui.

La concertele lui nu am fost, pentru ca eram mica insa imi cumparase mama palarie si ma ajuta sa imi fac suvita ca a lui cand plecam pe strada inspre scoala. Doamne ce incantata eram.

Am crescut cu muzica lui, de pe Dangerous ascultam pana la disperarea mamei “Gone too soon”, una din fetele cu care corespondam in vremea aia imi spusese de piesa, si mi-am dat seama ca imi place si mie la nebunie. Nu mai spun ca eram innebunita dupa videoclipul de la “Remember the time”, mai tarziu “in the closet”, mi-a placut la nebunie “Blood on the dance floor” desi a fost desfiintata de critici. Am mers pana la munca cu radioul pornit, nu am mai ascultat radio de vara trecuta cand avea Fintescu emisiune matinala…am cautat si cantat piesele, am venit cu ochii in lacrimi…dupa ce aseara mi-am retrait adolescenta la concertul Voltaj, in dimineata asta mi-am luat adio la o mare parte din ce a insemnat copilaria mea.

Aveti posterul despre care s-a spus la vremea respectiva ca exista in fiecare casa din America si care a facut-o faimoasa pe Farrah Fawcett iar acum este unul dintre cele mai vestite postere din lume, a devenit legenda.

Alaturat este o poza a lui Michael asa cum cred ca ni-l vom aminti toti.


Ever since last night when I heard on cnn that MJ died, I cannot believe , after Farrah Fawcett he was next, lots of my childhood memories are connected to them. First TV shows that I’ve watched on my television, after Revolution were “The A-tem” and “Charlie’s Angels”, one of the dearest music tapes was Dangerous, I was smiling this morning listening to Zu radio and the mc said the same thing, the first music clip ever watched was Thriller, at that moment in time I thought that is was super horror movie, I had no idea who Michael Jackson at that moment.

Up until I had to go to work, I was watching Larry King, whom invited people from the man that discover Jackson 5 up to Celine Dion and JC Chavez (ex *NSYC) that commented something like MJ was the person that put the first stones in the choreography and that a lot of the moves that are today are inspired form his moves.

I’ve never been to his concerts, because I was to small but my mom bought me a hat and help me to have the tress of hair like his on my way to school.Goooooooood I was so excited.
I grow up with his music, from Dangerous I was listening to madness “Gone too soon”, one of my pen-buddies told me about it and I’ve realized that I love that song. Not to mention how crazy I was after the clip of “Remember the time”, later “In the closet”, I loved “Blood on the dance floor” even it was crushed by critics. I went to work listening to the radio, I haven’t done that from last summer when Fintescu had the morning show on radio…I search in the stations and sang the songs, I had tears in my eyes the entire trip….after a come back to my teenage years last night at the Voltaj Concert, this morning I said good-bye to what it meant a big part of my childhood.
You have the poster that at that time it was said that it exist in every house of America and made Farrah Fawcett famous, today is one of the most known posters in the world, it became a legend.
Next is a picture of Michael in the way that all of us will remember him.
Later edit: La ora 18, la ambasada SUA din str Batistei, lumea va veni sa aprinda o lumanare pentru cel care a fost MEGASTARUL MICHAEL JACKSON
At 18.00 in front of the USA Embassy, on Batistei St., people will come to light a candle for the one that was the Megastar Michael Jackson

3 comentarii:

Cristi spunea...

chiar imi place titlul "Blood of the dance floor"


Marin spunea...

Asa m-am gandit si eu :(

Gri spunea...

R.I.P. :(

the man in the mirror..