luni, 29 iunie 2009

Concert Limp Bizkit in Bucuresti

Asa cum am spus in scurtul mesaj live de la Arene, doamne ce show! Baietii au fost fantastici si desi a plouat in continuu si nu au fost decat poate maxim 3000 de oameni, au cantat de parca ar fi fost in fata la inceput strong cu My generation, cu o intarziere de doar 15 Nookie, Fred s-a catarat in tribune, la un moment un fan a urcat pe scena in momentul in care bodyguardul a vrut sa il scoata afara a fost oprit de Fred care i-a zis fanului sa isi lase rucsacul la garda de corp dupa care jumatate din melodie s-a imbratisat cu Fred si incurajat de acesta sa cante cu LB. Omul a ramas toata melodia pe scena, a fost wild! Doamne ce concert si cand te gandesti ca eram foarte aproape sa il ratez, insa cu ajutorul lui Bogdan, am ajuns acolo cu 20 de minute inanite de show, si desi a plouat in continuu am cantat de ma doare gatul si am sarit de ma doare piciorul operat :) insa a meritat fiecare clipa! cu prima ocazie pe care o prind o sterg sa ii vad din nou ;)

As I was saying in the short message live from Arenele Romane, Goood what a show! The guys were fantastic even thought it heavily rain the entire concert and they were only maybe around 3000 persons, they sang like they were in front of 100.000...they started strong with My generation, with a 15 minutes Nookie, Fred climbed in the tribunes, at one moment in time a fan entered the scene instant a bodyguard try to get him out, but got stopped by Fred, he was asked to live the bag and spend the rest of the song with the guys on the stage, got a big hug from Fred and got encouraged to sing with LB. God! what a show, and you think about it I almost missed it, but with a big hep from Bogdan, I got there 20 minutes before the show, and even though the rain never stopped, I sang until my throat was sore, I jumped until my operated leg made his presence felt :) but it worth every moment! the first chance I got I sneak to see them again.

5 comentarii:

Cristina spunea...

Bravo, doamna, ma bucur pentru tine!! :)

Marin spunea...

YUHU! La 8.30 am aflat ca am cu cine sa ma duc in conditiile in care la 9, astia urcau pe scena! Moama a fost SUPER MAXIM MEGA FANTASTIC :D

Denverash spunea...

si cum va simtiti pe plaiurile mioritice? ati revenit?

Marin spunea...

Cris cred ca denverash cu tine vb, eu sunt de ceva vreme pe plaiurile mioritice asa ca nu ma simt :D

Cristina spunea...

Ah, ne simtitm, ne simtim :D. Am revenit vineri dupe masa si de atunci dorm in continuu, cu mici pauze de masa :D. In rest, numai de bine. :D